Draft Update: First wave of signings, bonuses and assignments

The 2016 MLB First Year Player Draft just ended a few days ago, but the rookie affiliates in Arizona and Montana are also just a few days away from opening play. We’ll preview both affiliates later, but for now, let’s look at who has signed so far, and what we know about their bonuses and affiliate assignments. These are the latest updates we have, either directly from the players to us, or via other media sources as noted.
Our Draft Tracker has been updated to reflect the signings and other status changes noted below as well.

  • 5 – Jimmy Lambert: Reported via his Twitter feed that he has signed. No bonus or affiliate information yet.
  • 7 – Bernardo Flores: Signed for $200,000 (slot is $214,900), per Jonathan Mayo (MLB Pipeline).
  • 8 – Nate Nolan: Signed for $170,000 (slot is $181,100), per Mayo.
  • 9 – Max Dutto: Signed for $10,000 (slot is $159,100), per Mayo.
  • 11 – Ian Hamilton: Signed for $101,800, per Mayo ($1,800 hit to pool).
  • 12 – Mitch Roman: Reported to us that he has signed, and is headed for Great Falls.
  • 15 – Jake Elliott: Reported via his Twitter feed that he has signed.
  • 20 – Matt Foster: He calls himself a pitcher for the White Sox on social media now, so let’s call him signed.
  • 28 – Aaron Schnurbusch: He’s reported via social media he’s getting started with the White Sox, so we can call him signed.
  • 30 – Pat Cashman: Received second-hand reports he’s working out in Glendale, and will be in Great Falls’ rotation.
  • 33 – Ryan Boelter: Reported to us that he has signed, but doesn’t yet have his affiliate assignment.


  • 3 – Alex Call: Reported to us that he’s “about to sign” and will be assigned to Great Falls. Should be official soon. No bonus info yet.
  • 6 – Luis Curbelo: Reported to us that he will be signing on Thursday, and will be assigned to the AZL White Sox. No bonus info yet.
  • 22 – Joel Booker: Polk Sports reports he’s planning to sign with only formalities remaining.
  • 23 – Sam Dexter: He’s in Glendale at last report, to sign.
  • 32 – Sean Renzi: The Herald News reported the senior should be signing soon.


  • 26 – Zach Farrar: Has made it clear that he intends to go to Oklahoma and be a 2-sport star (football and baseball).
  • 31 – Brandon Bossard: Yes he’s the Sodfather’s son, but he’s a legit college prospect as well, and likely to go on to college ball.
  • 34 – Jaxon Shirley: Son of White Sox scout Mike Shirley, he’s said to be honoring his commitment to Indiana.
  • 35 – Garrett Acton: Herald News reports Acton will stay with his college commit.
  • 37 – Leo Kaplan: The NU Athletic Department says Kaplan will be honoring his commitment to Northwestern.
  • 38 – Tyler Gordon: This is the annual ACE Program pick, and they historically just don’t sign. He’s got a commit to Prairie View as well.
  • 39 – Justin Lavey: Kenosha News report indicates Lavey will honor his commitment to Louisville.

THESE ARE THE REMAINING QUESTION MARKS (With notes on where they’re leaning, where we have info) (18)

  • 1 – Zack Collins: A story about Collins agreeing in principle to a slot deal surfaced before Miami’s post-season run was over, which would be technically against the rules, but it’s likely a deal for about that level will get done.
  • 1-S – Zack Burdi: Louisville was just eliminated from the post-season, and given he’s seen as a potentially fast riser, expect a deal soon.
  • 2 – Alec Hansen: Hard to believe he wouldn’t sign, but the bonus level is a big question at this point.
  • 4 – Jameson Fisher: He posted on Instagram that he’s leaving college to go on to the “next chapter”, so expect a deal soon here as well.
  • 10 – Zach Remillard: His Coastal Carolina team is still playing, so this one could take some time.
  • 13 – Michael Hickman: A White Sox draftee last year (36th round), and he’s already changed his Twitter background banner to a White Sox theme. Expect a signing this time around.
  • 14 – Bryan Saucedo: Another NAIA player, but a junior in this case, so nothing certain.
  • 16 – Ben Wright: Senior draftee, should sign soon.
  • 17 – Brad Haymes: Senior draftee, should sign soon.
  • 18 – Lane Hobbs
  • 19 – Anthony Villa: Senior draftee, should sign soon.
  • 21 – Michael Horejsei; 5th year senior draftee, should sign soon.
  • 24 – Brady Conlan: Senior from a DII program, should sign soon.
  • 25 – Charlie Madden
  • 27 – Mike Morrison: His Coastal Carolina team is still playing, so this one could take some time.
  • 29 – Earl Henderson
  • 36 – Reese Cooley: Reese told us he’s going go give it some thought with his family over the next few weeks.
  • 40 – Drew Puglielli: He reached out to us to point out that he has a commit to Barry University (in Miami), but it’s not clear if that is a full-on “no sign”.

As always, we will continue to keep the Tracker updated with signings, bonuses and assignments as they roll in.
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