FutureSox Podcast ft. Bill Mitchell of Baseball America: Do the White Sox still have the worst farm system in MLB?

Mike Rankin and James Fox welcomed White Sox writer and scout Bill Mitchell of Baseball America to provide perspective on the latest top 30 Chicago White Sox prospect list. Mitchell shared insight he gathered from scouts and executives from around Major League Baseball and detailed strengths and weaknesses of players like Norge Vera, Jose Rodriguez, Bryan Ramos, Colson Montgomery, Kohl Simas and Matthew Thompson, among others.

3 thoughts on “FutureSox Podcast ft. Bill Mitchell of Baseball America: Do the White Sox still have the worst farm system in MLB?

  1. Very interested in reading/hearing about the updated write-ups when FutureSox releases the updated rankings. The write-ups are much more important than straight rankings.

  2. Regarding the pronunciation of Kohl Simas (Mitchell followed Mike’s pronunciation, then said he wasn’t sure what it was), I remember Bill Simas’s name being pronounced See-mas. And actually I did just look up a find a reference to an ESPN pronunciation guide that does say SEE-mas.

    I guess it’s possible that everyone said his name wrong and he didn’t bother correcting them. Wouldn’t be the first time.

    But assuming it’s right, no shame in not knowing. He was last on the White Sox in 2000 and I’m assuming Mike was a little kid then.

  3. I live in Arizona, thank God Cespedes isn’t listed, he’s like 5/8 190 pounds and sucks

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