FutureSox Podcast ft. White Sox INF Prospect Edrick Felix
Elijah Evans sat down with 2023 draft pick Edrick Felix on this interview edition of the FutureSox podcast. They started off by discussing his childhood growing up playing baseball in Puerto Rico and moving to Florida to pursue his baseball career. Felix then broke down his draft process and transition to professional baseball before diving into his approach at the plate, defensive versatility, off the field passions, and more!
Where to Listen to and Watch the FutureSox Podcast!
Spotify | Apple | Podbean | YouTube (Watch) | YouTube (Audio Only Podcast) | Twitch |
Great interview, Elijah. Keep doing them. Where do you hang out during the season? Your interviews are the best thing going in Future Sox or any of the Sox blogs and news reports. You let the players become humans, instead of just inventory considerations.
I really appreciate that, David! Players are much more than just athletes and it’s important to highlight that. While most of my interviews will be virtual, I hope to keep them going all year!